Liturgical Ministries - Adoration - Music and choir - Youth - Family life - Community - Gift Shop - Knights of Columbus - Charismatic Prayer Group - Pastoral care of the sick – Funerals and Luncheon – Hispanic Round Tables – Innocent’s souls and unborn children prayer -Public Square Rosary Rally -Seven sisters apostolate – Legio Mariae – Nocturnal adoration – Escuelas de Evangelizacion – Christian Catholic Family Movement – Servers or charity during funerals – Monthly diurnal and nocturnal adoration – Prevention and Rescue group- Men's nocturnal adoration
There are many ministries that help support the celebration of Mass. From the obvious: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, altar servers, and gift bearers; to the behind-the-scenes people that: count the offertory, clean the church, and the sacristans who set up for Mass. There are those that offer hospitality by ushering and hosting coffee hour. And there are those that share their gift of music as instrumentalists, cantors, and choir members.
There are many ways to serve your community. Feel called? Please contact the parish office at 970-625-5125 or email Father Gerado Garcia at [email protected].